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For Those About to Blog, We Salute You March 27, 2010

Posted by gaaarp in Uncategorized.

It’s almost here. The official kick off date for The Modern Baker Challenge is next Thursday, April 1! I guess I should start reading the book, huh?

I have been thinking that, while I plan on baking every recipe in the book, I don’t want the (admittedly self-imposed) pressure of feeling like I have to blog about all of them. When I participated in the BBA Challenge, I blogged about most of the recipes, but I enjoyed baking most when I didn’t pressure myself into feeling like I had to take pictures and try to recall the whole experience, sometimes weeks or a month later.

So, I’ve come up with yet another crazy idea: participatory group blogging. Here’s how it would work. As we approach each section of the book, I’ll post a call to arms, and anyone who wants to can claim one or more recipes for that section. Whoever “claims” the recipe will be the official blogger, and that person’s blog will be featured here. Anyone else who wants to can still post links to their own blogs, but I’d like to have one post for each recipe on this site.

So, what do you think? Is it a crazy enough idea that it just might work?

More to the point, which recipes do you want to claim? Click on the “Quick Bread” link above to pick the recipes in the first section that you’d like to blog about.


1. Julie - May 25, 2010

I posted on my first recipe today! Looking forward to the next one. Please add me to the blogroll. Thanks and Thanks for hosting.

gaaarp - May 25, 2010

Julie, you are on the blogroll and in the Bakers bio section. Welcome again! I love your blog!

2. Julie - May 7, 2010

My book arrive in the mail today!! What a great book!!! I can’t wait to start baking. I wish I had more time to bake but work just seems to get in the way!!

I just need a little clarification, can I blog about the recipes on my blog? Then where do I link back to? Is anyone posting the recipes to link back to?

Thanks for starting this great group!!!!!!!

gaaarp - May 8, 2010

Julie, by all means, blog about any/all of the recipes that you want. If you click on the Quick Breads tab at the top of the page, you’ll see a list of the recipes down the righthand column. These will link you to the “official” blog for that recipe. Just add a comment to the Comments section with a link to your blog.

When we get to the next section, you can claim a recipe and become the official blogger. In that case, I’ll cut and paste your post from your blog to the “official’ blog.

3. Heather - May 4, 2010

Hi! I just received my book in the mail! I’m so excited, it looks like a great book, full of interesting recipes. So now what?! Just start baking? I see that all the recipes under Quick Breads are taken, so do I just include a link to my blog under ‘comments’ for the featured blog? Do I need to wait for an ‘approval’ email? Sorry if these sound like dumb questions!!

gaaarp - May 4, 2010

Heather, bake and blog away! We still have two months left in the quick breads section, so you should have plenty of time to catch up. If you blog about the recipes, put a link in the Comments section of the “official” blog for that bread.

When we get to the next section, I’m going to give people who haven’t blogged yet first shot at claiming the yeast bread recipes.

4. Julie - May 2, 2010

Okay, I finally got around to ordering the book. I am looking forward to catching up and joining the group as soon as my book arrives.

gaaarp - May 2, 2010

Julie, welcome to the party! You shouldn’t have any trouble catching up. The quick breads truly live up to their name; you can easily knock out several at a time. I only have 5 (out of 15) left to bake, and almost two months left to bake them.

5. Julie - April 13, 2010

I am coming to visit on the recommendation of Chaya at Sweet and Savory. She checked out my Top 50 list and thought this group would be a good one because a lot of the recipes are in this book.

Looks like a great group, I am interested in joining. I want to make sure I understand how this group is going to work before I say for sure. We can bake as many or as few as we like? We choose one from a section as our recipe to blog about? I have a blog, so can I blog about other recipes on my blog? Is there any particular timing on the posts? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks!!

gaaarp - April 13, 2010

Julie, welcome! As you have figured out, we are baking our way through the book in order, starting with the Quick Breads. I have a rough schedule under the About tab above, but basically, we will spend 3 months in each section of the book. During that time, you can make whatever recipes interest you. Many of us are baking all the recipes in order, but it’s entirely up to you.

As far as blogging, we will have one “official” blog post for each recipe. When we start each section, I’ll open it up for people to claim the blogs they want to post. You are weclome — and in fact encouraged — to blog about any or all of the recipes and add a link to your post in the comments section of the official post.

No timing on the posts, other than that we’d like to have them done while we’re baking from that particular section. The earlier the better, so others can add links to their posts. But whenever you get to it it fine.

Please join us. We’d love to have you!

6. chayacomfycook - April 9, 2010

I just discovered this and I must tell you, I am thrilled. I have had the book for a few months and keep telling myself to bake from it. Then, I get involved with Dorie or Sweet Melissa and don’t get to it. Now, I can make it a priority.

I may have missed some of the information.

We are baking through the section in order?
Are there requirements to be a member?
Often, I bake gluten free. Is that a problem?

I will go back and reread everything but I do want to get started.
Thanks for doing this.

I do not know how to change the login to my other blog which is not gluten free. It keeps insisting that I use WordPress. Anyone know how I can do this.

I am My Sweet and Savory http://sweetsav.blogspot.com/

gaaarp - April 9, 2010

Chaya, welcome! Have a look around and jump in when you’re ready. I saw you picked up the Date Walnut Bread. I just bought dates and fresh walnuts at the store yesterday, so I’ll probably bake that bread soon — maybe even this weekend.

You may have already found answers to your questions, but I’ll tackle them anyway:

We are baking each section of the book in order. We will spend about 3 months on each section. Many of us are planning to bake each recipe within the sections in order. Others are picking and choosing the recipes within the section that they want to try.

As you’ve already noticed, we are sharing the blogging responsibilities, with on “official” blogger for each recipe. The official blog will be posted here (I will cut and paste it from the writer’s blog); others can add links to their blogs in the comments section. That way, no one will feel pressured to bake and blog about all the recipes. And having a community blog just seems like a fun idea.

No requirements to join, other than the obvious one of having the book.

Baking gluten-free, or making any other changes you want to the recipes, is fine. In fact, other people with restricted diets will probably find your posts helpful.

So, welcome to the party. Glad to have you.

7. ap269 - April 6, 2010

Phyl, do you have a badge for the challenge that I can put on my blog? That would be really neat!

gaaarp - April 6, 2010

Andrea, I’ve never made a badge and am not really sure how to go about it. Maybe someone more tech-savvy than I could create one for us to use?!?

8. Renee - April 2, 2010

Sounds like fun. My book is in the mail. Is there some kind of schedule within the Quick Breads time frame for when to make and post or is it just a free for all?

gaaarp - April 2, 2010

Renee, welcome! We are spending 3 months (April – June) in Quick Breads. I am figuring about 1 recipe per week, but there’s no hard and fast schedule. I plan to add the blog posts in order.

ap269 - April 2, 2010

If you are interested, claim your bread here . There are 4 breads left!

ap269 - April 2, 2010

Hmm, the link isn’t working, so here it is: http://www.doodle.com/c46ghg6hbrwf6cdw

Renee - April 2, 2010

Thanks! Let me take a look at the recipes once the book arrives and see if one inspires me.

Renee - April 2, 2010

Then again, how can I go wrong with chocolate!

9. ap269 - April 2, 2010

Hi Phyl, it would be nice to have some kind of a member list or something like that. I was just trying to write some #ff on twitter and forgot some people for sure… What do you think?

ap269 - April 2, 2010

Cool, you updated the blogroll. Thanks!

gaaarp - April 2, 2010

Yeah, and I added a page for bios, too!

10. whitebeach - March 30, 2010

great idea to have others help write the blogs! Magazines are more interesting with a variety of writers, so why not blogs? I’d love to help, I think this will be fun.

11. petra - March 28, 2010

I am still awaiting the arrival of the book. We are overseas and it seems to take quite a long time this time around. I hope that it’s not in the “ship” container. As soon as it gets here I will claim a recipe. So far I don’t even know what’s all in it. Thanks

gaaarp - April 3, 2010

Petra, I’m so sorry. Your post got caught in the spam filter for some reason, and I just now noticed it. You’re cleared to comment now!

We’re down to 2 breads. You might want to provisionally claim one, and when your book comes, you can unclaim it if you don’t like it. I claimed 2 breads and posted on the first one already. If you want the second one — Pecorino & Pepper Biscuits — you’re welcome to it.

12. astheroshe - March 28, 2010

I am happy to help blog..and no, not a crazy idea.
That is a lot of blogging. I am a baker, not a photographer and writer!
I like Welsh Scones. I always wanted to blog this topic. However, I will not post exact recipes. I will modify, link to the book ,or post other versions. This book is still in print and i do not want to break and copy write laws.

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