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Pain de Seigle: French Rye Bread

Blog post by Andrea.

The next bread on my Modern Baker Challenge line-up was an absolute surprise. Pain de Seigle – aka French rye bread. It’s not that I don’t like rye – I’ve been used to eating good rye bread all my life. But for some reason, I’ve been a bit tired of rye lately. Thus I decided to make a half batch only.

Now I wish I had made the whole batch because this bread was really good! This bread is different from the other breads from the bread section in that you have to make a sponge. A 2-day bread? Yes, but it doesn’t really take much time to mix up the sponge, let it rise and put it in the fridge. The next day, you take it out of the refrigerator and mix it with the other ingredients. I didn’t really follow NM’s directions for how to mix and knead it, but just did it the BBA way. This dough was kind of wet, but I resisted the temptation to add more flour. After a 2-hour rise, I shaped the dough into a baguette, put it in my baguette pan and let it rise for another hour. Then I baked it at 375°F for about 30 minutes. The smell from the oven was divine! After 10 minutes of cooling, I sliced into it and was thrilled. Very soft crumb, a thin and crispy crust – just awesome! This recipe is a keeper!!!!!


1. Kayte - September 27, 2010

I made it into rolls and it was terrific. Would brush a little something on the top before baking next time to maybe promote a little more browning as they did not take on much color by the time they finished. Delicious, though! http://grandmaskitchentable.typepad.com/grandmas_kitchen_table/2010/09/modern-baker-pain-de-seigle-french-rye-bread.html

2. gaaarp - September 7, 2010

Yes, Sara is Clever. But, no, she wasn’t a huge fan of this bread. http://threecleversisters.com/2010/09/07/modern-baker-challenge-pain-de-seigle/

3. gaaarp - August 12, 2010
4. ap269 - August 6, 2010

This bread was awesome! Give it a trye even if you don’t like rye too much – there is quite a bit of wheat flour in there, so the flavor is not too heavy on the rye side. http://ap269.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/the-modern-baker-challenge-breads-%e2%80%93-pain-de-seigle/

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