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Chicken Pie with Biscuit Topping

Blog post by Renee.

The Modern Baker Challenge has been working on savory tarts and pies since January. I had intentions of making many of the delicious looking tarts, but I am sadly quite behind. Before we move on to the next section (sweet tarts and pies!) I had to post my chicken pie attempt. Again, apologies, it’s been awhile since I cooked it and my memory of details has faded.
First of all, check out my new food processor in action! I finally understand Malgieri’s obsession with the food processor. The biscuit dough was so easy to make!

I was very eager to have a go-to chicken pot pie recipe in my repertoire. Unfortunately, this one missed the mark for me. The filling was good, but I personally prefer lots of vegetables in this kind of dish. I felt like the carrots, peas, and onion were kind of boring. Personally, I would have doubled the vegetables and added more variety- perhaps broccoli and potato.

The biscuit dough did come together well, but there was a ton of it and since I used it all, it felt like I was eating a huge biscuit with a little chicken and vegetable on the side for dinner. In addition, the dish was super liquidy. I even cooked it longer than it stated, but the liquid just didn’t boil down. Chicken pot pie soup anyone?
The flavors were all good. The biscuits were delicious. But, the proportions were just wrong for me.


1. Kayte - April 4, 2011

Thanks for the soupy tips, I adjusted the liquid and had fantastic results! Oh that biscuit topping was soooooo good! Here’s my post: http://grandmaskitchentable.typepad.com/grandmas_kitchen_table/2011/04/modern-baker-chicken-pie-with-biscuit-topping.html

2. gaaarp - April 2, 2011

I agree — too soupy for my tastes. But it was flavorful.

Chicken Pie with Biscuit Topping {ModBak}

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